Shelter Profile
Fisher River Cree Nation has a population of 3879 (as of June 2017). After an initiative by Health Canada in 1989 to look at the high rates of Aboriginal family violence, the Chief & Council submitted a proposal to develop a CMHC (Project Haven) shelter in the community of Fisher River Cree Nation. In 1991, the building, now known as the First Nation Healing Centre, was completed. The shelter received its first clients in February 1992. The shelter is managed by the Fisher River Cree Nation, with the Chief & Council serving as Board of Directors. It has eight bedrooms with a total of 28 beds and three family rooms. Operational funding comes from Indigenous & Northern Affairs Canada, which flows through the Fisher River Cree Nation administration; other funding sources are obtained for programming, specific items, and/or services.

Our mission is to provide a community resource for women and children who are victims of violence.
The Healing Centre will provide a safe environment, residency and will address the women’s and children’s physical, mental, social, emotional and spiritual needs.
Non-residential outreach with supportive counselling services will be provided to assist the males of our community.
Our Staff
Our staff hold various certifications to best meet the needs of the people we work with in residency and program participation.
Our team is equipped with skills in crisis response, first aide, specialization in trauma/loss and grief, as well as can provide legal advocacy and assistance in accessing resources.

Board of Directors
The Board of Directors are comprised of the Chief & Council of Fisher River Cree Nation.
Chief David Crate, C.M; Councillor Darrell Thaddeus; Councillor Hillary Murdock, Councillor Cory Murdock and Councillor Delaney Mason.